Gold Rush Names

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Blix, Ringwald

Gold Rush Database Entry

…VMDR, p 115; Crossed Valdez Glacier, 1898; At Copper Center winter of 1898-1899. Guiteau, Louis. Death Trail of ’98 over Valdez Glacier. The Alaskana (Sept. 1972), pp. 3-8; “A resident of Valdez,” appoints Ed Melby his attorney, 1899. ML, Bk. 2, p. 159; Located “Blixsie Placer Mining Claim,” east bank of Chisna River, 7/22/1899, witness G. Hazelet, p. 16, Chisna MD Records, 1900; Power of attorney from Dundolph C. Johnson, p. 255, Chisna MD.Recor…

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Cooper, Roy.

Gold Rush Database Entry

1901 At first formal dance in Valdez, The Valdez News. 1:5. 4/1/01, p. 1; Surprise Birthday party arranged by Mrs. Strouse and Mrs. Brown. The Valdez News. 1:22. 8/03/01; Rutherford & Cooper building two story addition to their residence on Fifth St. Arrives in Valdez, The Valdez News, 1:34. 10/26/01, p. 4; “Much of the success of the [social] club’s dances is due to Mr. Roy Cooper’s untiring energy and management.” The Valdez News, 1:34. 10/26/0…

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Crawford, Archibald K.

Gold Rush Database Entry

…PWSMDR Book 2, p. 271; Location Notice 11/2/1899: ML, Bk.3 (Bks.J&F), p. 64-69; 1898-1900 Location notice for “Dr. True,” claim, located 7/19/1900 on Surprise Creek that empties into Kotsen(a) above the old camp, by power of attorney for Dr. True, filed 9/17/1900, Valdez MDR, p. 84; Location notice by Crawford for “Cats Kill Tinner,” on Surprise Creek next to “Dr. True,” claim for A.A. Ammann, Dr. Pierson witness, filed 9/17/99, Valdez MDR, p. 85;…

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Holman, Andrew

Gold Rush Database Entry

…MDR, 1900, p. 33; Location notice: Wharf Site by town of Valdez “taken for commercial and wharf site purposes,” 12/15/1900, witnesses R. Blix, A. Holman, VMDR, 1900, p. 212; R. Blix, his attorney, Location Notice “El Dorado” placer claim, 4/19/1900, witness John Hansen, p. 79, Chisna MD Records, 1900; Power of attorney to Blix, p. 250, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Notice of Protest by power of attorney for A. Holman for claim on left branch Chisna Riv…

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Meals, Andrew Jackson

Gold Rush Database Entry

…1900, C1900; Ben Booher’s Diary gives age as 47, weight 200; Notice of Water Rights in the “meadow Run” to the extent of “500 miners inches under a five inch head for hydrolic placer mining purposes to be used on “Edith-Little Ruth-Irish Girl-Hattie Bell-Hellen& Emma H- placer claims, 9/29/1900, attested: J.A. Hazalet, Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 168; Proof of Labor of $200 on Discovery on Chisna performed by Dempsey, Hazelet and Meals, p. 238, Chisna MD…

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