Townsend, Dr. LeRoy.

Townsend, Dr. LeRoy.


First-class passenger on steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 2/16/98, Seattle P-I, 2/17/98; Crossed Valdez Glacier, 1898; Took pictures of Dooley’s camp and boat, Dooley Diary, 6/1/98; nice mention, Guiteau Diary, 8/19/98; Treated Cashmans’ toes at Camp on Klutena Rapids, Oct. 1898, Cashman in Abercrombie 1900, pp. 162; Helped scurvy victims at Copper Center winter of 1898-1899. Guiteau, Louis. Death Trail, The Alaskana (Sept. 1972), pp. 3-8; Hazelet visits his hospital at Copper Center, Hazelet Diary, 3/19/99; Return from Valdez mentioned in Seattle Times, July 7, 1899, quoted in Townsend Letters 1898-1899; Feb. 18, 1899, Pearson helps with amputation of Edward Young’s foot, Pearson, CS1; p. 185; helped doctor boy who was mauled by bear at Klutena City Camp, Golden Cross?, p. 53;