Rothkranz, Louis.

Rothkranz, Louis.


Stranded on rock in middle of Devil’s Elbow on Klutina, Golden Cross?, p. 44; 124-127; Courier for the government in 1899 along military road, Babcock tells story of Rothkranz’s search for him, Babcock in Abercrombie 1900, p. 77-79; Story also in Golden Cross? Charter member of the Order of Alaska Moose, 1899. TVN, . 1:40. 12/7/01. p. 3;


Location notice for the “Alma” claim on north fork of Chisna River, 6/29/1900, witness H. Miller, O.B. Hurch, p. 119, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Location notice to the “Occidental,” located by Rothkrantz, Nokes, and Neal O’Connor 6/22/1900 on Slate Creek, Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 104, p. 136, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Locator, Canyon Placer Claim, 7/15/1900, Chisna MDR; Mortgage: Rothkrantz conveys his interest in the following properties to L. B. Leveroos for $120, 1/3 interest in the Occidental, full interest in the Emma, Canyon, Louis and Alma in the Chisna Mining District, witness E.C. Maddox; mortgage repaid 3/1/1902, Chistochina, No. 2, p. 206; Witness to Finch Location notice for “Bootjack Placer Claim,” on east fork of Chisna River, located 7/24/1900, filed 10/5/1900, Valdez MDR, p. 132; Witness to L. Moore and Finch “Climax Placer Claim,” 7/24/1900, Valdez MDR, p. 133-134; Location Notice for “Louis,” on Chisna River, 4/13/1900, witness E.C. Madax (sp?), N.E. Ohlsson, p. 42, Chisna MD.Records, 1900;


Arrived Valdez via “hazardous & exciting trip down the Copper River in a small boat to Orca.” The Valdez News, 1:32. 10/12/01. p. 4;