Passenger, schooner Phelps, departing Seattle 4/5/98, Seattle P-I, 4/6/98; Witness to McCarthy claims in Chittyna area, 8/14/98, ML, Bk.3 (Bks.J&F), pp. 113-115;
Witness to J. McCarthy claim “The Peterson Claim,” on Sterellina Creek, 7/28/1900; the “Minneapolis,” “San Francisco Mine,” “The War Eagle,” “The Copper King,” the “Pierre,” Valdez MDR, p. 87-95; Location notice for “The Mollie,” located on the left hand branch of the Gooskalana River, dis. 9/9/1900, witness J. McCarthy, located 9/10/1900,Valdez MDR, p. 94;