President & founder of the Connecticut and Alaska Mining and Trading Association, Prospectus, CS1, p. 112-113; Stamford, Conn. On Margeson/Benedict trip. Gold Hunters, p. 9; Signed testimonial for Hub Clothing Company, Seattle P-I 2/20/98; Leaves party to return to states, Margeson, Gold Hunters, p. 113; Detailed description of stormy trip from Seattle to Valdes; lists new officers of company: Trustees: D.T. Murphy, John Potts, Frank Hoyt, S.J. Cone, H.H. Sweet, I.C. Allen, C.A. Margeson; Officers: D.T. Murphy, president; Frank Hoyt, Vice-president; Dr. Kortwright, secretary; John Potts, treasurer; letter 3/8/98 in Norwalk CT Evening Hour, 3/24/98; Group in Valdez, building store, optimistic about steam sled which is expected to carry 5 tons with a crew up the glacier; packing rates currently 15 cents per pound; found gold deposits in Valdez paying $10 per man/day, but want to get $50 man/day in letter 3/4/98 in Norwalk CT Evening Hour, 3/28/97; group on 3rd bench, planning to build another trading post on other side of the glacier; the Moonlight has gone back to Seattle for another load of provisions and hardware, Murphy letter 3/27/98, Norwalk CT Evening Hour, 4/19/98; Conn & AK Mining & Trading Co. “thing of the past.” Members are putting their things in order after avalanches and endless snow, some may go on, Murphy letter, in Norwalk CT Evening Hour, 6/12/98; returned from Alaska, plans to move family to Seattle, boys over the glacier and in company of 5 soldiers; biggest problem was inaccurate maps, disputes Rogers’ claims, letter in Norwalk CT Evening Hour, 6/18/98; D.T. Murphy left to the regret of the whole company; currently at Lake Klutina, King letter of 7/17/98; Norwalk CT Evening Hour, 8/10/98 (apparently response to Rogers’ criticism);