Stamford, Conn. Margeson/Benedict trip. Gold Hunters, p. 9; Signed testimonial for Hub Clothing Company, Seattle P-I 2/20/98; Reports being about 20 miles short of timberline on other side of glacier; ran into Moylan, Wilson, and Brennan who are all doing well, Letter E.J. Moyes 5/8/98 in Norwalk CT Evening Hour, 5/28/98; Moyes letter of 6/5/98 reports boats nearly completed, hear about party that has struck plenty of gold about 30 miles away, in Norwalk CT Evening Hour, 6/30/98; Moyes, Jaynes & Margeson go hunting & meet bear, Gold Hunters, pp. 109ff; Moyes, Butts & Williams leave party to search for gold, Margeson, Gold Hunters, p. 113; Moyes letter, 6/29-7/4/98, Moyes, Williams and Butts have separated from party because smaller parties can move faster; completed boat, “City of Stamford,” at head of Klutina River; will leave most goods here and sled them down to winter camp when snow falls, in Norwalk CT Evening Hour, 7/29/98; Preparing to leave for Tanana Valley following reported strikes there will send work back to others who are prospecting along the Klutina; going with old California miner, Norwalk CT Evening Hour, 8/10/98; Moyes just returned from 33 day trip to headwaters of the Copper, good indications but could not reach bedrock; now working claim with Butts on Tonsina, Moyes letter in Norwalk Evening News, 9/28/98; Moyes, Butts and California prospector named Lem(n)? Thompson left for trip to Mentasta Pass, some gold but not in quantity, Moyes letter 9/23/98 in Norwalk CT Evening Hour, 10/27/98; Locator, 10/11/98, Manker Creek, No. 16 Placer Mining Claim, witnesses: H. Smith, W.C. Barnes, TMDR, p. 10; Locator, No. 5 on Hertle Creek, 10/13/98, witnesses: W.D. McGee, H. Smith, TMDR, p. 10; Locator, 10/15/98, “Circus Girl,” No. 4 on O’Brien Creek, witnesses Jas. Manker, H. Smith, TMDR, p. 36; Transferred to Ch. H. Butts, 1/23/99, Quit Claim deed, TMDR, p. 58; Locator, Bench Claim No. 1 on Bear Creek, 9/22/98, witness H. Smith, QCMDR, 1898, p. 50; Pearson spent Oct. 1898 to Feb. 1899 at Capt. Moyes cabin on Grayling Creek, CS1, 185;