Miller, John

Miller, John


First class passenger on steamer Valencia, departing Seattle 4/7/98, Seattle P-I 4/8/98 & Seattle Times, 4/8/98; [Note: on Valencia with Powell, Burns, and Dolan]; Arrived in Alaska, April 1898, C1900; Locator, with W.T. Burns witness, QCMDR, p. 28; witness to Dolan, p. 68;


Along Copper River Trail between 6/28/1900-10/1/1900, C1900;


Partner in Sandburg & Miller claim, 2nd one from mouth of Slate Creek; working 15 men, two shifts, nineteen sluice boxes;one of the best claims – about $50 to the man is being taken out; The Valdez News, 1:21. 7/27/01;