1880 census: listed for Anchor City, County of Lawrence, Territory of Dakota; Participated in the gold mining around Sunrise district in 1895 and probably earlier; located claims in Mills Creek and Six Mile Creek in 1895, (Gladhaug research); At 1897 Miners Meeting. 6/11/1897. Mining Locations. PWS Mining District, from June 11, 1897 to April 17, 1901; Located “Gladhaugh Quartz Lode Mining Claim,” lode, April 7, recorded 5/31/97, C. Pederson witness; Copper King adjoins on east end; Book G. pp. 306-307; (Valdez Court Library); Locator of “Mammoth Claim,” for W.E. Hunt & S. J. Mills, filed April 15, 1897, Book G, pp. 308-309; Millsite, pp. 310; Referred to in article on Copper River Area, Seattle P-I, 11/13/97;
Location notice on Latouche Island: Ripstein, Beatson, Beyer, Gladhough, Heidorn, &W.E. Hunt, PWSMDR, May, 1898; Book 2, p. 16; Tom Olson showed Ellamar minesite to him and Peterson, in Valdez 1898. CS1; ; Adjoining Gladhaugh Claim. Location of Quartz Claim, ML, Bk G (H&I), p. 309-309. (Valdez Court Library); Millsite ML, Bk G (H&I), p. 310-311; Title Bond to mining property, Gladhaugh and Beatson,1898. ML, Bk. 2, p. 69; Title Bond for the Eagle Quartz Lode, Poco Quartz Lode, White Horse Quartz Lode and others including millsite to Collins, Prenctice, Lyne and F.G. Lawrence of Ashcroft B.C. for $40,500. ML, Bk G (H&I), 424,ff; Bond for Deed. Gladhaugh sold First West Extension of the Gladhaugh Lode known as the Mammoth to Mills and Hunt. ML, Bk G (H&I), p. 437; (Note: “Bonanza,” “Chenega,” “Bullion,” “Eagle” lode claims located 7/7/1897 by W. Ripstein, M.O. Gladhaugh, A.K. Beatson, W.B. Heidorn, Peter Jackson and W.E. Hunt; and the “Alaska Chief,” and “Big” Bonanza No. 2” lode claims located 7/13/1897 by same men as above and also recorded in PWSRD (reference from Beatson’s sale of his 1/6th interest on 1/25/1900, PWSMDR, Bk 3, p. 56; )
Contract: “The said M.O. Gladhaugh for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and other valuable considerations to him in hand paid by the said Anna S. Barrett before mentioned, agrees to transfer to the said Anna S. Barrett on or before the first day of December A.D. 1902, stock in the company operating the Gladhaugh Mine at Gladhaugh Bay, Alaska of the par value of nine hundred dollars ($900.00) or in case of failure to deliver said stocki, the sume of nine hundred dollars in lawful money of the United States of america is to be paid by the said m.O. Glachaugh and accepted by the said Anna S. Barrett as full satisfaction of this contract.” Valdez MDR, p. 181; Sells his quartz lode to J.D. Meenach of Seattle for $45,000, witnesses Busby and Pederson, 5/21/1900, PWSMDR, Bk 3, p. 52; Deed: For $200 W. J. Shepard sells his undivided 1/4th interest in the “Blue Fox” and “Black Crow,” lode claims on Latouche Island to M.O. Gladhaugh, sold 10/14/1899, filed for record 6/29/1900, p. 78, PWSMDR, Bk. 3;
Died of pneumonia in Newcastle, Wyoming 2/14/1901; before coming to Alaska, Gladhaugh had prospected and mined in Wyoming, “Illuminator Oil Co,” and involved with the Kirpatrick Brothers and Collins Construction Company in the development of the Cambria Coal Camp northwest of Newcastle (Gladhaug research, e-mail: gladhaug@online.no) ; Notice of Forfeiture to Andrew Larson. The Valdez News. 1: 1. 3/06/01. Notice from Donohoe and Esterly to Gladhough Creditors of his decease. The Valdez News. 1:8. 4/27/01. p. 4.
“For the last fifteen years I have for family history purposes researched information on my great-uncle Mikkel Olsen Gladhaug.. . . In the late 1870’s he came to the Black Hills area and spent many years there as a prospector of oil, coal and precious metals. In the 1880 census he is listed in Anchor City, County of Lawrence, Territory of Alaska [sic. Dakota]. In the late 1880’s he was involved in the development of the Cambria Coal Camp northwest of Newcastle, Wyoming, run by the Kilpatrick Brothers Company. Mikkel was a Black Hills man, probably seeing Newcastle as his home. As he was quite a tall man, he was known as “Big Mike” Gladhough. I am not entirely sure when he first came to Alaska, but according to yourinformation he was there in 1897, which may have been the first year he was there. He found sizable copper deposits in Virgin Bay in the Valdez area. In December 1900 he sold these claims to a party in Seattle, Washington, on his way back to Newcastle, Wyoming. These copper deposits were later mined by the “Ellamar Mining Company of Alaska” during many years. Mikkel died in Newcastle, Wyoming, in February 1901.” Ole Gladhaug, e-mail message 11/15/98, gladhaug@online.no. “ Mikkel was registererd in the1880 census. He was in Anchor City, Lawrence County, Territory of Dakota, not Territory of Alaska as I erroneously wrote. Lawrence covers the northwestern part of the Black Hills area in South Dakota. Anchor City was a small coal mining town there.” Ole Gladhaug, e-mail message 11/16/98, gladhaug@online.no, Hjaltlandsgaten 13, 4009 Stavanger, Norway.