Garrett, J.W.

Garrett, J.W.


V-Lot, Index , p. 75; Granted 2nd Valdez townsite lot for woodlot, May 19, 1898. Minutes. CS1; snowblind on glacier, MB-D, 5/4/98; Gumaer and Garrett left Valdez camp trying to find Brookfield’s party, MB-D, 6/3/98; Studt, Heiden, Garrett, and Gardner started to overland over [Keystone] canyon, MB-D 6/9/98; Party headed to interior composed of Lowe, Gumaer, Keller, Tolley, Gardner, Garrett, Hallett, Bence, Kahill, and Bjornstad starts with horses over Valdez Glacier, MB-D, 7/9/98, (note: trip aborted because of conditions on the glacier); Mahlo, Jim [Garrett] and Bence go up to map the [Valdez] glacier, MB-D, 7/25/98; With Capt. Abercrombie’s party leaving Valdez for interior, MB-D, 8/5/98; sent back with Bence and Garrett to continue glacier survey, MB-D 8/8/98; Kahill and Mahlo and party [Bence & Garrett] arrive at the Copper River Camp, MB-D, 8/27/98; Bjornstad, Garrett, Archer, Gardner, Hallett, Koehler, Bence, Kahill, Mahlo, MacFarland in party led by Schrader going from Copper Center to Taral to Valdez, grueling trip, MB-D, 8/29/98 to 10/18/98; Mahlo had bad attack of asthma, almost died, decide to send him down the Copper River by boat with Garrett and Gardner, MB-D, 10/3/98; Powell, Gustafsen, and Garrett arrive in Schrader/Heiden camp headed to take altitude of pass [Thompson ?], MB-D, 10/16/98; Stationed at Amy’s Rapids to help people across river, Golden Cross, p. 61; Stationed at Keystone Canyon to feed all hungry prospectors coming out. Powell, Trailing. pp. 156ff; Orders from Babcock to go to Klutina Valley by dog team and take charge of any property given him by Rice, Orders, 5/3/99, Office of Secr. of War Dept. 1667-70, NARA RG 107, Entry 80; goes with Rice to Klutena Rapids, Rice in Abercrombie 1900, p. 55; in charge of military stores at Lake Klutena, in Rice, Abercrombie 1900, p. 95ff; Powell meets at lake Klutina on Aug. 29, 1899, p. 131, Crary lists name; from Elkhart, Indiana. E.F. Crary, Diary Ms. 6/28/1898, p. 8; Powell hires as assistant scout, 1899. Powell, Trailing. p. 161; also Powell, Abercrombie 1900, p. 131; Gulkhana Indians shared salmon with in 1899, Powell, Trailing. p. 191;