Arrived in Alaska, April 1898, C1900; Recorded lot in Valdez townsite, 5/10/1898,V-Lot, Index , p.25; Location notice with Phil Blumauer, Millard witness, near Cordova May 19, 1899, PWSMDR , Book 2, p. 145; Location notice with Christiansen, Blumauer, Black, MacCabe, Abercrombie at head of small bay on east side of Port Well, 9/8/1899; Location Notice 9/4/1899: W. R. Abercrombie, C.P. Smith, J. C. Black, Phil Blumauer, J.J. Abercrombie, Louis Blumauer Cutsina River near Mt. Blackburn, ML, Bk.3 (Bks.J&F), p. 44;
In Valdez between 6/11/1900-6/26/1900, C1900;