At 1897 Miners Meeting. 6/11/1897. Mining Locations. PWS Mining District, from June 11, 1897 to April 17, 1901; “Bonanza,” “Chenega,” “Bullion,” “Eagle” lode claims located 7/7/1897 by W. Ripstein, M.O. Gladhaugh, A.K. Beatson, W.B. Heidorn, Peter Jackson and W.E. Hunt; and the “Alaska Chief,” and “Big” Bonanza No. 2” lode claims located 7/13/1897 by same men as above and also recorded in PWSRD (reference from Beatson’s sale of his 1/6th interest on 1/25/1900, PWSMDR, Bk 3, p. 56;
First-class passenger on steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 2/16/98, for Dyea & Valdez,Seattle P-I, 2/17/98; Title Bond to mining property, Gladhaugh and Beatson,1898. PWSMDR, Bk 2, 1898-1900. p. 69; also Bk. 1, p. 77; Location notice on Latouche Island: Ripstein, Beatson, Beyer, Gladhough, Heidorn, &W.E. Hunt, PWSMDR, Bk. 2, May, 1898, p. 16;
In Valdez between 6/11/1900-6/26/1900, C1900; For $2,000 sells 1/6th interest in the Bonanza, Chenega, Bullion, Eagle lode claims locateed 7/7/1897 by W. Ripstein, M.O. Gladhaugh, A.K. Beatson, W.B. Heidorn, Peter Jackson and W.E. Hunt ; and a 1/6th interest in the “Alaska Chief,” and “Big” Bonanza No. 2 lode claims located 7/13/1897 by same men as above and also recorded in PWSRD; and a 1/6th interest in the “May Belle” placer Claim located by same group as above on 5/21/1898, recorded in PWSMRD BK 2; and undivided 1/4th interest in 1000 miners inches of water of Copper Creek for mining located 8/11/1898 and recorded in PWSMDR, BK 2; and a 1/4 undivided interest in a wharf site at Bonanza Bay recorded in PWSMDR, Bk.2; all of the above situated on Latouche Island, 1/25/1900, PWSMDR, BK 3; Receives power of attorney from Andrew Robertson, of San Francisco, CA, 1/25/1900, p. 58, PWSMDR, BK 3.