Rarefied Light 2022, produced by the Alaska Photographic Center, is Alaska’s largest annual fine art photography exhibition. The talents and imaginations of Alaskan photographers are on display through 53 different works. Subjects are wide ranging, from the climate to family to emotion. The media are extensive, from archival pigment photography (“Urban Birch”, Richard Murphy) to Cyanolumen printing with horse tail, willow branches, daisies, turmeric, and salt (“Summer Celebration” by Susan Andrews). Rarefied Light 2022 guest juror Dan Burkholder invites viewers to cast a “curious, nomadic eye… This exhibition reveals an assortment of visually literate artists who pushed themselves to exploit the medium — and they succeeded brilliantly.”
Rarefied Light 2022 is funded in part by grants from the Alaska State Council on the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, Alyeska Pipeline Service, and the CVEA Community Foundation.