Mr. Minish called the meeting to order at 5:39 p.m.
Members present: Gary Minish, Martha Barberio, Richard Dunkin, Nathan Duval-City of Valdez Capital Facilities Director, Donna Lane
Guests: Lindy Vititow- City of Valdez Project Manager
Staff present: Patricia Relay, Andrew Goldstein, Faith Revell and Marcia Lynn
a.) After welcoming Lindy Vititow back to town, Nathan assessed the findings from the group’s cumulative ratings of the 22 potential sites. He reported that the following 5 sites ranked the highest:
Hill North of Civic Center Parking Lot
PVC lots behind Court House
Parking lot across the street from the Yellow Warehouse
3 Bears/No Name Pizza
Hill above Ruth Pond on Clifton Drive.
Additionally, the group discussed the potential of the Museum parking lot on Tatitlek as well as the empty lot across the street on Tatitlek, the Food Cache and Northwind Gifts. After discussing these options, it was decided that building on the Museum parking lot would not solve the problem of more space as that parcel is no bigger than the main museum. The lots that occupy the Food Cache, the empty lot and Northwind Gifts would not solve the issue of consolidating the Museum into one facility as well as the unlikelihood that the owners would sell.
Drilling down further on the top 5 sites,
While the three finalists each had both strengths and weakness, their essential strength was that two were City owned, and the owner of the third is very supportive of a Museum project as well as interested in providing incentives. Here is a run-down on the three finalists:
Moving forward, Nathan and Lindy will provide images of the three top sites and outline pros and cons for each. This supporting piece will be utilized in the community outreach effort.
b.) Community Outreach Strategy and Plan Update: Patty reported on her meeting with Kaitlin and Marcia that outline steps to engaging the community. This effort has two stages: Content Design & Development and Implementation.
Staff will work on answering these questions based on past plans and reports. The end product will be a giveaway that is formatted similar to a rack card. It will include photos and testimonials as well. In addition to the rack card formatted give away, a pop up banner and table top panel will be created for use at site gatherings.
With the collateral material in hand, engagement efforts will include conversations that serve as a survey effort, whereby two questions will be posed:
We eliminated the question of cost until we have completed the architectural design phase that will define the overall cost. We did, however, believe it was important to convey that this project is not seeking full funding from the City, and that we are looking to leverage City dollars to secure a 50% match from foundations and donors plus state and federal agencies.
c.) Valdez City Council Work Session: Site Selection: While community outreach will be a long term effort, this initial phase will go through the end of May 2019 so that we can schedule a work session with council in June. At that work session, we will be able to report that X% of the community supports a new Museum and X% supports the following site.
Moving forward, staff will draft the content for the collateral material. Instead of another meeting, the content will be sent via email for discussion. It is my goal to have the first draft to you all by the middle of next week.
Next Meeting Museum Building Committee, TBA
a.) Recruit Community Members: Patty informed the group that current City Council member Jim Shirrell is interested in serving on the VMHA Building Committee. She had a positive recommendation for that and asked the group to seek out other community members to serve on the committee.
With no further business before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.