Building Committee Meeting 06.11.15

Building Committee Meeting 06.11.15

  1. Call to Order/Roll Call

    Mrs. Relay called the meeting to order at 5:37 p.m.
    Members present: Lisa Von Bargen, John Hozey, Richard Smith, Tom McAlister, Julie Farrell, Emmie Swanson, and Michelle Cullen.
    Members excused: None
    Members unexcused: None
    Staff present: Patricia Relay, Andrew Goldstein, and Brittany Cabello

  2. Introduction of Guests


  3. Public Business from the Floor


  4. Approval of Building Committee Minutes from May 14, 2015

    Motion: Mrs. Swanson moved to approve the Building Committee Minutes from May 14, 2015, and Mr. Hozey seconded. Discussion: None. Vote: All members present voted to approve; none opposed. The motion carried.

  5. Committee Chair Report


  6. Old Business

    a. Submitted RFP Review: All members of the committee submitted reviews for each rfp. The scores were added and averaged, and after some discussion it was decided that the top three firms would be interviewed. The top three were Alchemy of Design, Group 106, and Riggs Ward.

  7. New Business

    a. Next Step: Differed to future meeting.
    b. Timeline for Pre Development Planning: Differed until a Master Interpretive Planner is hired.

  8. Committee Business from the Floor


  9. Next Meeting

    Unless otherwise posted, July 9, 2015 5:30 pm at the Valdez Museum

  10. Adjournment

    Motion: With no further business before the Committee, Mr. Smith moved to adjourn the Committee meeting, Mr. Goldstein seconded. Discussion: None. Vote: All members present in favor, none opposed. Mrs. Relay adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m.