Mrs. Relay called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m.
Members present: Emmie Swanson, Michelle Cullen, Tom McAlister, Dick Smith, John Hozey and (via phone) Julie Farrell.
Members excused: Lisa Von Bargen
Members unexcused: None
Staff present: Patricia Relay, Andrew Goldstein, and Brittany Cabello
Larry Reynolds
Motion: Mr. Hozey moved to approve the Building Committee Minutes from April 9, 2015, and Mr. Smith seconded. Discussion: Mrs. Swanson noted a typo in 7B. Vote: All members present voted in favor of approving the Building Committee Minutes from April 9, 2015; as amended; none opposed. The motion carried.
a. RFP Update: Mr. Goldstein reported that the RFP for Master Interpretive Planning Services was released on May 4th, 2015. The RFP was distributed to over 15 firms nationally. Several have confirmed that they will be submitting proposals, several have said they will not, and a number have yet to respond.
b. Next Step: Differed to future meeting.
c. Timeline for Pre Development Planning: Differed until a Master Interpretive Planner is hired.
Unless otherwise posted, June 11, 2015 5:30 pm at the Valdez Museum
Motion: With no further business before the Committee, Mr. McAlister moved to adjourn the Committee meeting, Mr. Hozey seconded. Discussion: None. Vote: All members present in favor, none opposed. Mrs. Relay adjourned the meeting at 6:01 p.m.