Edwards, Morgan V.

Edwards, Morgan V.


Passenger on steamer Alliance, departing Seattle for Yakutat Bay and Valdes, 3/24/98; party of 37 from Sioux City, IA led by J.N. Henry were to be dropped off at Yakutat, the others apparently headed for Valdes, Seattle P-I, 3/25/98; Arrived in Alaska, May 1898, C1900;


Along Copper River Trail between 6/28/1900-10/1/1900, on page after Hazelet’s party, C1900; Locator 4/16/1900 of “Strip Placer Claim,” on Red Mountain creek, p. 25, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Chistochina, No. 2, Locator of Korkum placer mine on Slate Creek about 800 ft. from confluence with the west branch of Chisna River, 8/30/1900, witnesses James Ikes and Wm. Grogg, recorded 8/31/1900, by Hosford, deputy recorder, p. 28; Locator “Side Bet” claim on 9/10/1900 witness by Robert Fulerson and Nick Mechem, recorded 11/14/1900 in Chistochina, No. 2, p. 44; Location notice unnamed claim on Chisna River, 4/30/1900, p. 107, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Location notice for “Lap” placer claim, 4/25/1900, p. 135, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Location notice for “Skookum” (also Kookum) claim, on Slack Creek, p. 175, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Location notice as attorney in fact for S.S. Comer, Jr., for “Alameda Placer Claim,” p. 235, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Location notice for “Morgan claim,” on ruby Gulch, 6/30/1900, p. 246, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; In Valdez, AK Nov. 30, 1900 for $50 and “other considerations” sold his “Morgan” placer mining claim located on Ruby Creek, Chisna Mining District, recorded Book No. 1, p. 246 to O.J. Hosford, 11/30/1900, p. 45; Grubstake Agreement : Vansant agrees to supply Morgan V. Edwards with a grubstake to last from March to October 1900 in exchange for 1/2 of any claims he may discover, locate or acquire during the time of the grubstake, 2/26/1900, witnesses: C.W. Crary, C.H. Wilcox, Jr. F.J. Cameron, Chistochina, No. 2, p. 211; Witness to Fulkerson & Meckem, “Tacoma Placer Claim,” 9/8/1900, Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 166; Notice of Protest: by Chris Tyosevig against the “Lone Hand” situated on Stock Creek, a tributary of the Chisna River . . . “The reason that the claim was first located on or about June 29th 1900 by M.V. Edwards who at that time held a claim on the said Stock Creek, which according to the laws of the District is not legal. Further for the reason that on or about the 7th day of July 1900, the name of M.V. Edwards was scratched out of the original location notice and the names of Chas. Mayman, and Ed Maddox placed thereon. By reason of the staking of this claim by M.V. Edwards, this claim was covered up and legitimate prospectors were deprived of their just rights. The said M.V. Edwards still holds an interest in said claim. All of which I am prepared to establish before the court. Having located the said claim on the 10th day of July 1900 in good faith and with the intention of developing and working the same, I therefore protest against and warn all persons especially M. V. Edwards, Chas. Mayman, Ed Maddox and Thos. Hunt from entering upon said claim to do any work or take anything therefrom.” 9/5/1900, VMDR, 1900, p. 209;


Deed: Sells his “Morgan” claim located 6/30/1900 in Bk. 1, CMDR, p. 246, for $5 plus other considerations to H.C. Elliott, VMDR, 1900, p. 261;