Locator, QCMDR, 1898, p. 33; Co-locators: F. McCormick, J. F. Sweeny, Wm. Williams, A.C. Ohlhavsen, O. Peterson, Malmgren, John Williams, F. A. Henry, Chas. Johnson, QCMDR, p. 101; Notice of amended location 6/26/1899 by Sweeny, W. Williams, Ohlhausen, O. Peterson, Malmgren, J. Williams, Henry, C. Johnson, Pollard, Kain, Hamlen, Ward, Sender, Bush, Onstad, J. H. Smith, McCormick, QCMDR, p. 108; 1899: 1899: Locator on Aug. 18th, 1899, QCMDR, p. 158; Co-locators – Kain, Amy, McClellan, Sweeny, July 5, 1899, QCMDR, p. 160; Deputized recorder arrives at Dooley’s camp, Dooley Diary, 4/18/99; Attempts to leave Dooley’s camp but too sick to travel, Diary, 4/26/99; departs for his camp, Diary, 4/29/99;Signer of Petition to the President from Quartz Creek and Teikell Mining Dist, May 8, 1899 requesting Capt. Abercrombie be given “permission to employ [on the trail to interior Alaska] those men who need work, and thus enable them to remain in the country. With a good trail those who have means will be able to bring in machinery, and the development of the country will be accelerated.” NARA RG 107, Entry 80. Office of the Secretary of the War Department: 1667-103;
Location Notice for “The Takill No. 1” on the head of Mineral Creek a branch of the Tonsina about 6 miles from Sunset Lake, located 9/2/1900, and “New York, located 9/1/1900, Valdez MDR, p. 149; Location notice for “Tenahoatua,” located 9/3/1900 “at the head of Mineral Creek, a branch of the Tonsina,” Valdez MDR, p. 159; Location Notice: “Meatteta” by C.L. Warner, D.S. Kain, J. Sweeney, J.H. Smith, Chitina MD, 2nd gulch below Sereluah about 15 mi. from Chitina Trail, 5/7/1900, Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 159; Location Notice: “Oduuah,: by C.L. Warner, D.S. Kain, J. Sweeney, J.H. Smith, 6/4/1900, on Kuskulina “about 3 miles below gulch on which the Horse Trail goes up,” Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 160;