Reynolds, Tom.

Reynolds, Tom.


Witness to Jacobson and Garrett agreement: Garrett pays Jacobson to “go the the Chisna river, Alaska and to arrive there on or before April 30, 1900 and to work during the season of 1900 in prospecting and locating mining claims. I further agree that all mineral or mining interest whatever I may locate or develop shall be equally divided between us. . .” agreed Jan. 1900; filed 9/20/1900, Valdez MDR, 1900,, p. 96-97;


2nd Cole-Dempsey Claim being worked by Reynolds and Perro. Small, rich claim employing 6 men, taking out $40-60 each.The Valdez News, 1:21. 7/27/01; Jewel Box Stolen with $3,000 belonging to Reynolds and Cole. The Valdez News. 1:27. 9/07/01, p. 1,4.