Malmgren, Victor T.

Malmgren, Victor T.


Prospecting partnership agreement between N.W. Ohlsson, Victor Malmgren, Oscar H. Peterson, made 1/12/1898, VMDR, 1900, p. 253, 276; Passenger, steam schooner National City, departing Portland, OR, 3/14/98 with “by far the larger number of her passengers” bound for the Copper River, but a few for Dyea/Skagway, Portland Oregonian, 3/15/98; [Note: William and John Williams, V.T. Malmgren, F.A. Henry, J.E. Forbes and O. Peterson came up together on the National City]; Filed in TMDR, 1898; QCMDR, , Sept. 1,1898, Locator, p. 59; Co-locators: F. McCormick, J. F. Sweeny, Wm. Williams, A.C. Ohlhavsen, O. Peterson, Malmgren, John Williams, F. A. Henry, Chas. Johnson, QCMDR, p. 101; Notice of amended location 6/26/1899 by Sweeny, W. Williams, Ohlhausen, O. Peterson, Malmgren, J. Williams, Henry, C. Johnson, Pollard, Kain, Hamlen, Ward, Sender, Bush, Onstad, J. H. Smith, McCormick, QCMDR, p. 108; Bruce, H. Smith, Oscar Peterson, Malmgren, & Leveross Arrived in Valdez Nov. 7, 1898 from interior; going outside to get pack animals and return in Feb; Brown in Glenn and Abercrombie, p. 623; Signer of Petition to the President from Quartz Creek and Teikell Mining Dist, May 8, 1899 requesting Capt. Abercrombie be given “permission to employ [on the trail to interior Alaska] those men who need work, and thus enable them to remain in the country. With a good trail those who have means will be able to bring in machinery, and the development of the country will be accelerated.” NARA RG 107, Entry 80. Office of the Secretary of the War Department: 1667-103;


Location notice by H.E.F. King, Heber Smith and Victor Malmgram for “Laura Placer Claim,” 7/9/1900, p. 231, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Location notice for “Celara claim” in Chisna MD on Buena Vista Creek 7/13/1900, witness T. Dashiel, p. 2, Chisna Mining District, 1900; Location notice for “Jennie Claim” on Slate Creek, 8/25/1900, p. 2, Chisna MD Records, 1900;


Notice of Protest of Vulcan Placer Claim in Chisna District: had prospecting agreement with N.W. Ohlsson and Oscar H. Peterson signed 1/12/1898, copy in book, filed claim, etc. (probably part of conflict with Hazelet over claim jumping) VMDR, 1900, p. 252-253; Owns small portion of the Vulcan claim owned by Ohlsson, taking $25 a day; The Valdez News, 1:21. 7/27/01; Arrived in Valdez with Plunkett from Slate Creek bringing $2,700 each for their summers work, The Valdez News. 1:28. 9/14/01;