Date, Fred J.

Date, Fred J.


Passenger on the Rival departing Port Townsend, WA 3/6/98, Port Townsend Leader, 3/7/98; Crary lists name; from Elkhart, Indiana. Crary, Diary Ms. 6/28/1898, p. 8; Powell hires as assistant scout, 1899. Powell, Trailing. p. 161; also Powell, in Abercrombie 1900, p. 131-136; Gulkhana Indians shared salmon with in 1899, Powell, Trailing. p. 191; Filed in VMDR, 1898-1899, p. 23, 79, 104, 124, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169; appointed to committee to look into robbery, Townsite Minutes, 1/17/99; Location Notice, “Date Ranger,” with Date, Roberts, Adler, Krau, Rosenthal, Love, Perry, Jefferson. 3/11/98. VMDR, p. 104; Location Notices by Fred Date, for Alta Placer Claim and on west fork for Chisna Creek, 9/25/99, A.M. Powell, Witness, VMDR, p. 165, Goodmoor, p. 166; Bill, p. 167, Ava, p. 168; Hi-ya, p. 169;


Name appears as officer or committee person in minutes of the Miner’s Meeting 4/20/1900 at Moose Camp: J. Burke (Chair), Kraemer (secretary), M. Dempsey (Recorder), B.E. Skinner, F. Date, R.T. Heron, W.J. Aniker, Jas. B. Newcomb, A.D.. McDowell, T. M. Dautton, W.H. Crary; approved size and by-laws of district, passed Resolution: against the “lavish and indiscriminate use of Powers-of-Attorney, but that those representing partners in the Territory of Alaska and locating claims for them shall not be considered guilty of such use.” (Directed against Hazelet party), resolution to be “posted in conspicuous places;” appointed committee of 5 (names not given) to settle minor disputes until the next meeting, 4/21/1900, p. 11-13, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Date family, (Fred, wife and child) returns on Excelsior with Hazelet, McNeer parties in 1900, Hazelet says jumped claim, Hazelet Diary, Feb. 2, 1900; at Chisna claims by July 4, 1900, Hazelet says quarreled with his partner at Chisna, Hazelet Diary, July 4, 1900; Location notice with Louis Rosenthall for “Humdinger” claim on slate Creek, p. 125, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Location notice with Louis Rosenthal for “Marie Placer Claim, 8 miles from Dempsey Post Office, 7/5/1900, p.211, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Chistochina, No. 2, Discovery Claim, locators: F.J. Date, Louis Rosenthal, Thad Da Chiel, Archie Park, H.E. F. King, located 6/10/1900, Recorded by O.J. Hosford, deputy recorder, p. 24; Chistochina, No. 2, Eagle Canyon Company Placer Mining Claim on Eagle Canyon Creek a tributary to Mankoman River, locators: Fred J. Date, Louis Rosenthal, Thad Da Chiel, H.E.F. King, John Steel, Archie Park, A.M. Powell, M. Dempsey, on 6/19/1900, witness: Archie Park, H.E. F. King, recorded Oct. 2, 1900, O.J. Hosford, Dept. Recorder, p. 26; J.P. Roberts grubstaked F.J. Date, wife and child merchandise, board, money, and lodging and also Louis Rosenthall, claims undivided 1/2 interest in all claims discovered, etc. during the years 1899-1900 including: Huntdrummer, Mani, Discovery, Eagle Canyon, 11/9/1900, Chesna MD, p. 212; Location Notice, “St. Anne Placer Claim,” Slate Creek. Located June 22, 1900, recorded June 28th, 1900. Locators: A.M. Powell, W.J. Smith, J.L. Steele, F.M. Dashiell. Witnesses: Fred Date, Chas. Kramer. Chisna R.D. Bk.1, vol. 1, p. 113; also Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 74-75; Contract; Date refused to turn over interest in all claims as part of the grubstake, firm of Roberts & Hogg assign all rights to grubstake claims to Al White, Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 194-195’


Location Notice of Wharf Site, near Valdez, 1/12/1901, witnesses H. Brian Pearson, Wm. H. Crary, VMDR, 1900, p. 219; Vestryman Epiphany Church. Annual Vestry. The Valdez News. 1: 6. 4/13/01. p. 4. Problems with Roberts and Millard on two of his claims in Chisna district. The Valdez News. 1:14. 6/8/01. p. 1; Date & Rosenthal claim next to Bourke-Crary claim on Slate Creek considered one of the best; not being worked because of litigation, The Valdez News, 1:21. 7/27/01; Date & Rosenthal claim on Miller Gulch tied up in litigation with Hazelet. The Valdez News, 1:21. 7/27/01; Recitation at Arctic Brotherhood Smoker. The Valdez News. 1:28. 9/14/01, p. 1; Organizing amateur dramatic stock company, The Valdez News. 1:28. 9/14/01, p. 4; elected Alaska Moose officer, The Valdez News. 1:31. 10/5/01; directed “excellent’ the formal ceremony of the dedication of the Moose Hall, using Copper River Indian dialect. The Valdez News. 1:40. 12/7/01, p. 1;


Eva and Fred Date mortgage for $300 from H.W. Miller a1/8th interest in the “Humdinger” placer claim on Slate Creek (Bk. 1. Chisna Mining Dist. Records, p. 26), 3/1/1902, Book a of Mortgages, p. 99, redeemed 10/8/1903, p. 99; Eva and Fred Date mortgage for $185 from H.W. Miller a1/8th interest in the “Humdinger” placer claim on Slate Creek (Bk. 1. Chisna Mining Dist. Records, p. 26), 10/1/1902, Book a of Mortgages, p. 140, redeemed 10/8/1903, p. 140;