Arrived in Alaska, March 1898, C1900; List of prospectors crossing Valdez Glacier, May 29, 1898, Crary Diary, p. 5; Recorded Lot 9: Block 10; Fronting on Keystone on 5/20/1898, V-Lot, Index , p. 85; Citizen’s meeting for Valdez. Secretary of, May 9, 1898. Elected to Township Committee (3rd; later called Board of Trustees) May 10, 1898. Minutes. CS1; Attends Township Committee meetings May 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, resigns August 5, 1898 . Minutes. CS1; 85; appointed to committee to look into robbery, Townsite Minutes, 1/17/99; Discovery for “Cupid” placer claim, on Chisna River, no witnesses, location not done until 4/19/1900, filed 6/12/1900, p. 51, Chisna MD Records, 1900;
Along Copper River Trail between 6/28/1900-10/1/1900, C1900; Discovery for “Cupid” placer claim, on Chisna River, no witnesses, location not done until 4/19/1900, filed 6/12/1900, p. 51, Chisna MD Records, 1900; Location notice for “Sunlight” placer claim on Butte Creek, a north easterly branch of the Chistochina River, 4/21/1900, witnesses: R. Coles, J.C. Jacobson, p. 52, Chisna MD Records, 1900; Location notice for “Petronius” claim on Ruby Creek, located 4/18/1900, recorded 6/15/1900, p. 62, Chisna MD Records, 1900;
Deed: Hogan in exchange for a dog named “Bess,” deeds 1/2 interest in “Sunlight,” (Butte Cr, Chisna MD) to Mrs. Lena von Gunther, 1/11/1901, VMDR, 1900, p. 218; Deed: sells for $300 his whole and undivided 1/2 interest in the”Petronius Placer Claim” in Chisna district to Mrs. Lena von Gunther, VMDR, 1900, p. 230;